ICPT.HUST 2023 - 83

Monday - 29/01/2024 17:37
Assoc. Prof. Luong Dinh Hai (Former Director of the Institute for Human Research, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)

The key features and criteria for modernized high-quality human resources include: Firstly, being the quintessential part of national human resources; Secondly, having good physical and mental capability, capable of working intensively at an effective rate as well as creatively; Thirdly,  having attained advanced degrees and professional qualifications; Fourth, having a sense of social, ethical and cultural responsibility suitable for modern society; Fifth, professionalism; Sixth, In terms of structure, or social composition, high-quality human resources include intellectuals, managers, businessmen, high-level workers, artisans, and craftsmen. Seventh, having 20 years of experience in the corresponding field. From the perspective of social class structure, human resources can be divided into: 1- Intellectual class; 2- Wealth management class; 3- Business class; 4- Skilled working class; 5- Class of experts in industries, fields, localities, and regions (i.e., experts in the administrative apparatus, public authorities, technicians in hospital, etc.).
The paper analyzes and evaluates the current situation of high-quality human resources in our country in the four social classes: intellectuals, managers, businesspeople, and skilled workers. Subsequently, this paper proposes four essential solutions to develop high-quality human resources for sustainable development in Vietnam: a- Raising awareness and innovating strategies for developing high-quality human resources; b- Improving institutions for high-quality human resource development; c- Improving the input quality of high-quality human resources input; d- Utilizing social resources effectively for the development of high-quality human resources.

Keywords: Human resources, high-quality human resources, sustainable development

Page: 55 - 68


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