ICPT.HUST 2023 - 57

Monday - 29/01/2024 07:51

The author mentions the importance of national cultural foundation in human resources development in the context of globalization, with some experiences from Vietnam. The author starts from digging into theoretical basis of national cultural foundation in human resources development in the context of globalization with specialized concepts and terms; then points out opportunities and challenges that globalization poses to the human resources.
Research purpose:
To affirm that national cultural foundation plays a huge role in human resources development in the context of globalization.
Research motivation:
To contribute to the preserving and promoting the national cultural foundation in development of human in general and human resources in particular.
Research design, approach, and method:
Using a combination of interdisciplinary methods along with statistical operations, analysis, synthesis, proof, and comparison…
Main findings:
Introduce some specific solutions to improve the role of national cultural foundation in human resources development in the context of globalization.
Practical/managerial implications:
Timely seize the opportinites and challenges posed by globalization, hence promote the role of national cultural foundation in bulding, fostering and developing the human resources.

Keywords: culture, cultural foundation, national culture, human resources, globalization.

Page: 583 - 591


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