ICPT.HUST 2023 - 33

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 07:05

Green innovation (GI) over the past decades has grown and expanded due to its essential and widespread applications along with environmental awareness and service delivery of green products and applications. Vietnam is restructuring the economy, innovating the growth model from "brown" to "green", and developing based on a green economy, digital economy, circular economy, and knowledge economy. Green economy and green transformation are important long-term growth drivers, especially relying on science, technology, and innovation for development. Promoting green innovation to realize sustainable development goals is a suitable approach in the current global and domestic context. To be proactive and adapt to this trend, in addition to policies to promote innovation, develop human resources in science, technology and innovation with high qualifications and creative capacity. This article studies an overview of the policy framework on human resource development for green innovation in Vietnam and offers some complete solutions.

Keywords: Innovation, Green innovation, innovative human resources.

Page: 283 - 290

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