ICPT.HUST 2023 - 65

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 06:22

Research purpose:
The article aims to contribute to the development of the application of new policy paradigm to science technology and innovation (STI) policy development in order to improve innovation capacity and cooperation among stakeholders, minimizing socio-technical constraints, promoting resilience and prevention against risks, uncertainties and lack of knowledge, recommending that following a new policy paradigm, STI policy makers in Vietnam expand the participation of stakeholders in policy development towards sustainable development goals.
Research motivation:
STI plays a leading role in the development of the world and STI policy has become a concern for governments as an engine of growth and development. The reality of countries around the world and in Vietnam in recent years shows that STI is facing and adapting effectively to the unstable world, many new risks such as environmental incidents, pandemics, overload and imbalance in the health system, etc. This process fundamentally changes government's relationships with key stakeholders and requires a transformation in the design and formulation of policies. In this context, in recent years, policy researchers have become increasingly interested in a new paradigm in STI policy development capable of strengthening innovation capacity and coordination among stakeholders, promoting resilience and risk prevention, uncertainty and lack of knowledge. The policy is called the Transformative Innovation Policy (TIP). TIP emphasizes that to address broader societal challenges, more stakeholder engagement is required, the emergence of new actors such as civil society and economic regulators, and a shift in focus away from government agencies.
Research design, approach, and method:
With the aim of analyzing the implications of the TIP paradigm to mobilizing stakeholders in Vietnam's STI policy process, the article focuses on answering two questions. First, according to TIP, what are the characteristics of stakeholder participation in the STI policy process? Second, how does this characteristic suggest the mobilization of stakeholders in Vietnam's STI policy process in the current context. To achieve this objective, this study performs a systematic literature review and content analysis of 30 papers on the characteristics of TIP, focusing on analyzing perspectives on stakeholder participation in the policy process in the context of transformation change; point out the requirements of the new context for stakeholder participation in the STI policy process, thereby suggesting the need to expand stakeholder participation in Vietnam's S&T policy process.
Main findings:
The main results of the research show that: Firstly, compared to previous generations of policies, TIP differs in 02 points: (i) policy objectives are expanded, clearly oriented, to solve major challenges such as society, environment, promoting inclusive growth and thus to develop economy; (ii) involve more stakeholders, both national and international, in the stages of the policymaking process on the basis of principles of experimentation, learning, reflexivity, and reversibility in policy formulation. Secondly, These characteristics suggests the broader mobilization of stakeholders in Vietnam's STI policymaking process for sustainable development. The new context requires adjustment of STI policies need to be coordinated more effectively; requires political commitment, leadership skills and collaboration from policymakers and other actors in the innovation system.
Practical/managerial implications:
This paper seeks to promote insights for studies on the characteristics of transformative innovation policy, as well as the roles of stakeholders in policy making process with the expectation that the review can initially enhance the co-evolutionary transformation of current STI policy in Vienam towards climate resilience and green development.

Keywords: Science Technology and Innovation, Transformative Innovation Policy, Stakeholder Engagement

Page: 101 - 119

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