ICPT.HUST 2023 - 36

Monday - 29/01/2024 08:24

During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh always attached great importance to the role of cadres in the revolutionary cause. He emphasized that “cadres are the core of all tasks”, comparing them to “A tree’s roots without which the tree will get withered, a river’s headwaters without which the river will get dried”. Only with the implementation of cadres can every mission of the revolution be achieved. Also, he dubbed cadres machine lines associated with constituting parts. In case the machine line worked improperly, then the whole process would malfunction no matter how good the engine was. If the cadres were to fulfill their duties, they ought to work in a standardized and scientific manner. Furthermore, they were expected to take every task, less or more important, into careful consideration. Besides, they needed to take an objective, democratic, and realistic approach to developing plans, carrying out tasks. By studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style, the masses and the leadership, including cadres of party cells at military schools could enhance their capabilities and qualities.
Research purpose:
The paper investigates President Ho Chi Minh’s outstanding working style to create a modern and effective working style with ethical standards and meaningful values for the cadres of party cells at military schools
Research motivation:
Ho Chi Minh's working style is one of the precious assets in his entire legacy left to our nation. Studying and following his working style is not only theoretical but also has enormous practical values for the cause of "growing people" in the reform period.
Research design, approach, and method:
The research methods consist of document research, synthesis, analysis, and expert consultation.
Main findings:
Based on analyzing the content and explaining the causes of the daily problems, the paper proposes several basic solutions to improve the efficiency of fostering Ho Chi Minh’s working style for cadres of party cells at military schools in the current context.
Practical/managerial implications:
The values of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and working style have a guiding meaning not only for cadres of party cells but also for the lecturers in research and teaching on Ho Chi Minh's outstanding values.

Keywords: Ho Chi Minh's working style, democracy, universal style, scientific style, exemplary style, military

Page: 557 - 564


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