ICPT.HUST 2023 - 56

Monday - 29/01/2024 08:00
Pham Thi Kim Ngoc (School of Economics and Management, HUST)
Nguyen Manh Tung (School of Economics and Management, HUST)

Amidst digitization, sustainable development and technological strides have transformed conventional payment methods, giving rise to cashless payment alternatives.
Research purpose:
Building on these changes, this study aims to identify the factors impacting the adoption of cashless payment services by the Generation Z (Gen Z) cohort in Vietnam. The study seeks to uncover influences shaping Gen Z's willingness to use such services and proposes a research framework to enhance their acceptance.
Research motivation:
The results of this study have provided valuable insights into the factors that Gen Z considers when adopting cashless payment services in Vietnam. Through these efforts, the authors inspire to provide a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the development of cashless payment behavior among Gen Z in Vietnam. This research result can be the basis for further studies or can become the reference for other research on related topics.
Research design, approach and method:
This study applied qualitative research through the desk research method to review the state of the art of behavior intention and non-cash payment. The research reviews state-of-the-art literature on cashless payments and Gen Z behavior, concentrating on credible sources from 2000 to the present.
Main findings:
The proposed research model consists of the six key factors influencing the cashless payment behavior of Gen Z in Vietnam including the perception of ease of use, perceived usefulness, perception of risk, perceived trust, social influence, and facilitating conditions.
Practical/managerial implications:
This research has made a significant contribution towards a comprehensive understanding of the trends and vital factors impacting the adoption of cashless payment services among Gen Z in Vietnam. The research suggests conducting an empirical study to provide some recommendations to the banks and related authorities to strengthen the cashless payments for young and potential customers, Gen Z, by designing sustainable products or services to help banks to become sustainable organizations and support the sustainable development of Vietnam.

Keywords: cashless payment, conventional payment, Gen Z behavior, perception of ease of use, behavior intention, sustainable development

Page: 565 - 574


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