ICPT.HUST 2023 - 29

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 09:58
Currently, environmental problems such as droughts, floods, tsunamis, depletion of natural resources, air and land pollution, etc., and especially climate change, are increasing, happening, has been directly affecting human survival. Therefore, calls for people to think and act practically to protect the environment are becoming increasingly urgent. National, regional, and global environmental protection activities today are not only at the level of formal movements but have become a key content in the policy-making of each country. To protect the environment towards sustainable development, we need the consensus of the entire society, all levels and sectors as well as each individual. We need to promote the role of many different resources, in which education and training of human resources with ecological ethics for sustainable development is one of the important resources. Therefore, the article contributes to clarifying some general theoretical issues about human resources, concepts, characteristics, roles of the green economy, and the concept of ecological ethics education in training human resources for sustainable development. transition from the traditional economy to the green economy. On that basis, the author analyzes the role of human resource training for green economic development and the role of ecological ethics education in human resource training for green economic development in Vietnam. Finally, the author proposes some basic solutions to strengthen ecological ethics education in training human resources for green economic development in Vietnam.
The research uses methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, and induction... to clarify the role of ecological ethics education in training human resources for green economic development in Vietnam.

Keywords:  Ecological ethics, ecological ethics education, Human resources, Green economy, Sustainable development

Page: 358 - 365

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