ICPT.HUST 2023 - 69

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 15:15

President Ho Chi Minh is the founder of revolutionary culture - the endogenous strength of the journey of national liberation, innovation, integration, and development of the country along the socialist path. Ho Chi Minh's ideology on culture is a system of scientific and revolutionary theoretical perspectives on culture. This ideology has been and is a great direction for the construction and development of Vietnamese culture. Ho Chi Minh's culture is both a goal and a driving force to promote the country's sustainable socio-economic development.
Research purpose:
The article presents Ho Chi Minh's system of scientific theoretical perspectives on culture. Some solutions for sustainable development of Ho Chi Minh culture in the current context of globalization.
Research motivation:
President Ho Chi Minh is the essence and spirit of the nation. Ho Chi Minh's culture is not Asian or European culture, but future culture. Researching Ho Chi Minh's Thought on culture increases national and human cultural knowledge, understanding modern cultural approaches and cultural thinking - national modernization in all aspects.
Research design, approach, and method:
Some of the main methods used to research the content of Ho Chi Minh's ideology on culture are historical methods, text analysis methods combined with research on Ho Chi Minh's practical activities.
Main findings:
Systematize the content of Ho Chi Minh's ideology on culture.
Ho Chi Minh culture on the path of national liberation, innovation, integration, and sustainable development.
Practical/managerial implications:
 In practice: Ho Chi Minh's ideology on culture is a beacon of light, guiding Vietnam in its current journey of national liberation, innovation, integration, and sustainable development.
Theoretical: helps readers have an overall picture of Ho Chi Minh's ideologies on modern Vietnamese culture

Keywords: Ho Chi Minh, culture, innovation, integration, development, sustainability

Page: 277 - 282

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