ICPT.HUST 2023 - 81

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 10:31

Striving for sustainable development of economy, environment and society is the responsibility of government, organizations and individuals. With a central role in the implementation of operational strategies, human resource management has a clear impact on the development of green businesses. In order to suggest solutions to promote green human resource management, after clarifying the theoretical basis of green human resource management, the article analyses the current situation of green human resource management in 3 to 5-star hotels in Ha Noi based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods from the collected secondary and primary data. The data in the study are obtained from the survey of the author and analysed through the mean point determination of the value, and the standard deviation of the scales.
Research purpose:
The article focuses on discussing green human resource management practices and learning about the current situation of green human resource management in 3 to 5-star hotels in Ha Noi. From these analyses, the author suggests solutions to develop green human resource management for 3 to 5-star hotels in Ha Noi for sustainable development.
Research design, approach, and method:
The article is the result of a synthesis of research methods, including data collection methods (literature review, empirical survey, in-depth interviews, situational methods) and data processing methods (statistics, description, synthesis analysis). The study utilizes a combination of primary and secondary data to reflect a comprehensive, objective, and multidimensional view of the current state of GHRM in 3 to 5-star hotels in Ha Noi.
Main findings:
The article discussed the definition and practice of green human resource management and confirmed that it is necessary to implement green human resource management in order to protect the environment and aim for sustainable development. Research also found the success, limitations, and causes of practicing green human resource management at 3 to 5-star hotels in Ha Noi and suggested solutions for hotels to develop green human resource management.
Practical implications:
The author suggests 3 to 5-star hotels in Hanoi to enhance green human resource management practices and also some recommendations on mechanisms and policies to help hotels have better green human resource management practices.

Keywords: Green Human Resource Management; Green Recruitment and Selection; Green Training and Development; Green Performance; Green Compensation

Page: 484 - 494

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