ICPT.HUST 2023 - 53

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 15:02

According to President Ho Chi Minh's perspective, human beings are the most valuable asset, the decisive factor for the success of the revolutionary cause. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of and promote human factors, utilize comprehensive and effective measures to maximize human resources, and create motivation for the sustainable development of the country. Nowadays, sustainable development has become a global strategy, and human resources have become the central force, the basis for harnessing all resources. However, in Vietnam, the quality of the workforce is not high; there is a lack of skilled labor, and competitiveness in the international market is still limited. It is essential to continue studying and applying Ho Chi Minh's viewpoint, firmly maintain the goal of placing humans at the center, promote democracy and the “master” role of people in society, educate Vietnamese people for comprehensive development, and enhance the positive, proactive, and creative nature of individuals to achieve the sustainable development of the country.
Research purpose:
Brief description of research purpose
Research motivation:
Brief description of research motivation
Research design, approach, and method:
Brief description of research design, approach, and method.
Main findings:
Brief description of main findings.
Practical/managerial implications:
Brief description of practical/managerial implications

Keywords: human factor, sustainable development, human development

Page: 387 - 395

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