ICPT.HUST 2023 - 06

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 15:49
Cao Van Dan (Faculty of Political Theory, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam)

Absorbing the quintessence of human culture and inheriting the tradition of attracting and respecting talents in the nation's history, President Ho Chi Minh, the genius leader, has developed and raised new heights in a strategy for attracting and appreciating talents. As an exemplary example, Ho Chi Minh has gathered many talents and intellectuals from different socio-political positions to donate their abilities to the revolutionary cause. This article aims to contribute to clarifying Ho Chi Minh's views on attracting and appreciating talents. His above views are precious lessons for the Party, State, and localities to apply and set forth guidelines and policies on attracting and using talents to meet the needs of high-quality human resources for industrialization and modernization today.
Research purpose: 
Studying Ho Chi Minh's views on attracting and appreciating talents and making some recommendations to improve the attraction and use of talents in Vietnam today.
Research motivation:
Studying Ho Chi Minh's views on attracting and appreciating talents will clearly show the big contribution of talents to the revolutionary cause. Currently, in our country, there are shortcomings and difficulties in attracting and using talents. Therefore, the situation of brain drain is alarming. From the research results, the study recommends continuing to apply Ho Chi Minh's perspective to improve the effectiveness of building and implementing policies to attract and utilize talents to meet the requirements of high-quality human resources during the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the country.
Research design, approach, and method:
To carry out this research, historical methods, logical methods, and synthetic methods have been used to study President Ho Chi Minh's views on attracting and appreciating talents.
Main findings:
Researching President Ho Chi Minh's views on attracting and appreciating talents to clearly see the big contribution of talents to the revolutionary cause of national liberation, especially his views on appreciation and trust of talents, assigning jobs based on each one’s ability, policies to treat talents, and creating a favorable environment for talents to express their abilities, so that proposes recommendations to make the work of attracting and appreciating talents in Vietnam more effective nowadays.
Practical/managerial implications:
By clarifying the views of President Ho Chi Minh on attracting and respecting talents in the revolutionary cause, the research is a source of documents for State Agencies to refer to and develop guidelines and policies on attracting and using talents in the current period.
Keywords: attracting, appreciating, Bac Ninh, Ho Chi Minh, talents
Page: 373 - 379

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