ICPT.HUST 2023 - 79

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 15:21
Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Anh Tuan (VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Nguyen Thi Thuy Giang (Academy of Politics, Ministry of Defense)

Abstract: This article initiates an analysis of the multifaceted, symbiotic relationship between human resource development and sustainable progress. It accomplishes this by providing a comprehensive survey of the fundamental tenets of Marxist philosophy concerning human nature, the formation and evolution of personality within an appropriate cultural and educational contexts to cultivate a workforce capable of satisfying the demanding requisites of sustainable development. Primarily, this concerns individual development and, concomitantly, the sustainable economic, social, and environmental advancement of the nation. To achieve this objective, the article also expounds upon the concept of "human resources," correlated terminology such as "training," diverse perspectives on sustainable development, and Vietnam's standpoint regarding sustainable economic, social, and environmental development. The discussion delves into the prerequisites of this development for human resource training and, inversely, the function of human resource development in ensuring the nation's sustainable growth. All these facets are scrutinized from a multitude of angles within the context of Vietnam's zealous pursuit of economic marketization, socialist orientation, modernization, transition to a knowledge-based economy, the fourth industrial revolution, digital transformation, and the green shift, all within the milieu of pervasive globalization profoundly shaping the world's interconnected existence.

Keywords: Human; Personality; Human Resources; Training; Culture; Sustainable Development; Digital Transformation

Page: 252 - 269

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