ICPT.HUST 2023 - 09

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 15:54
Vo Minh Tuan (Faculty of Political Theory, Banking Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam)
The ecological environment has been an issue of concern in the world, because it directly and persistently affects the lives of humans and creatures. Human history has shown that some civilizations in the world declined due to the deterioration of the ecological environment. Facing the challenge of environmental pollution and ecological imbalance, the goal is to find the most natural way to help people survive in a natural environment, and develop sustainably. The article examines the villagers’ behavior in Northern Thailand with the forest in which they have long lived, showing a close, friendly and harmonious connection between humans and nature here. To serve the research, field survey and philosophical abstraction methods are used in combination. From this specific case, the article discusses a suitable and comprehensive approach to the relationship between humans and nature, based on understanding and respecting nature, considering humans as a component of nature, aiming to both protect the environment, preserve cultural identity, and link the interests of local residents with sustainable development. In addition, the article also overviews a number of other approaches to ecological environmental issues, to provide diverse perspectives. And finally, green growth is the motto that the article offers as a proposal for sustainable existence and development on Earth.
Keywords: Karen, nature, Nong Thao, people, sustainable development
Page: 203 - 210

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