ICPT.HUST 2023 - 61

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 15:13

The article provides an overview of sustainable development, presenting perspectives and commitments of the Communist Party of Vietnam to achieve the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. In order to turn these commitments into reality, the development of a suitable workforce that meets the current sustainable development goals in Vietnam plays a crucial and meaningful role. Therefore, based on affirming the importance of human resource development in sustainable development, the article puts forward some recommendations for workforce development to achieve rapid and sustainable development in Vietnam today.
Research purpose: To clarify the connection between sustainable development and human resource development for sustainable development in Vietnam, thereby recommending some solutions to develop human resources in accordance with sustainable development goals in Vietnam today.
Research motivation: Having a correct understanding of sustainable development and the equal importance of developing a workforce aligned with the current sustainable development goals in Vietnam will play a crucial role in proposing effective solutions to develop a workforce suitable for the current rapid and sustainable development goals in Vietnam.
 Research method: The article is developed based on the theoretical framework of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, along with various other methods such as logic, history, analysis, synthesis, etc.
Main findings: Based on an overview analysis of sustainable development and the significance of developing human resources for sustainable development in Vietnam, the article proposes several solutions to cultivate a workforce aligned with the current goals of sustainable development in Vietnam.
Practical significance: The article contributes to raising awareness of sustainable development and underscores the importance of developing human resources for sustainable development in Vietnam. It provides a theoretical foundation for proposing solutions to develop a workforce that aligns with the current goals of sustainable development in Vietnam.Top of Form

Keywords: solutions, human resource development, sustainable development, Vietnam, today.

Page: 320 - 327


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