ICPT.HUST 2023 - 03

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 15:43
Hoang Thu Trang (Philosophy Institute, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics)
Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuong (National Academy of Education Management, Vietnam)
Vy Quang Hao (National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam)

In order to achieve the goals of sustainable development, Vietnam and other countries must associate their development process with the task of protecting the natural environment.  In essence, human beings and nature are a unity. Therefore, if human beings destroy nature to meet increasing needs, it also means that human beings are gradually destroying their "inorganic body". The inevitable result will be the fact that human beings pay dearly for their mistakes or exchange for the survival of humanity. From this perspective, environmental ethics plays a particularly important role in sustainable development in Vietnam nowadays because they are a set of ethical principles and standards that regulate, evaluate, control human behavior in the natural environment. Environment ethics give us proper and harmonious solutions between human beings and nature. Besides the achieved results, it can be seen that the sense of environmental ethics in our country is currently showing signs of serious deterioration. The violation of legal provisions on environmental protection by many individuals, organizations, businesses in daily life, especially in economic activities. The article focuses on analyzing and clarifying the role of environmental ethics in sustainable development in Vietnam today. The article proposes five basic solutions to improve environmental ethics, which need to be proposed and implemented synchronously in Vietnam nowadays.
Research purpose:
On the basis of general theory about the role of environmental ethics in sustainable development, the article analyzes and clarifies the current situation of environmental ethics in sustainable development in Vietnam today and proposes solutions to improve environmental ethics to meet the requirements of sustainable development in our country in the coming time.
Research motivation:
The basis of the study derived from the requirement to link the socio-economic development process with environmental protection for the purposes of sustainable development in Vietnam today. Many issues related to the awareness and actions of environmental protection of individuals, organizations and society belong to the category of environmental ethics, therefore, the research is carried out to analyze and clarify the role, achievements and limitations of environmental ethics with sustainable development in Vietnam today. The article also offers solutions to improve environmental ethics to meet the requirements of sustainable development in Vietnam.
Research design, approach, and method:
+ Research design:
The steps to implement and complete the research paper include: Selecting a research topic (The topic "Environmental ethics with sustainable development in Vietnam today" contains both theoretical and practical meanings in the context of degraded environmental ethics, which makes a significant negative impact on the process of socio-economic development, people's lives and the realization of sustainable development goals. These goals have been firmly established by the Party and the State of Vietnam); Develop a research outline that focuses on analyzing and clarifying two main contents to achieve the targets of the research paper: 1. Environmental ethics and the role of environmental ethics with sustainable development - some issues theoretical topics; 2. Environmental ethics with sustainable development in Vietnam today - current situation and solutions; Collect, process and analyze relevant hypotheses and documents; Develop and complete research paper.
+ Approach:
- From the perspective of the United Nations and the Communist Party of Vietnam on the role of environmental protection in sustainable development
- Based on the inevitable development trend of human society - a development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
+ Research Methods:
To deploy the research contents, the article uses a number of specific research methods such as: Analytical and synthetic methods are mainly used to generalize the theoretical basis of environmental ethics, sustainable development and the role of environmental ethics with sustainable development; The method of systematizing and generalizing are used to systematize and generalize the typical guidelines of the Party on the implementation of environmental ethics through awareness and behavior of environmental protection in sustainable development in Vietnam through the congresses of the Doi Moi period; The practical review method is used to summarize and evaluate the current status of environmental ethics with sustainable development in Vietnam, thereby propose basic solutions to improve environmental ethics with sustainable development in Vietnam in the coming time.
Main findings:
+ Human beings and nature are a unity. If people want to develop sustainably, it is necessary to associate the process of socio-economic development with the task of protecting nature.
+ Environmental ethics is a set of ethical principles and standards that regulate, evaluate and control human behavior with nature in order to properly and harmoniously resolve the relationship between people and nature, which plays a huge role in sustainable development and the realization of sustainable development goals.
+ In Vietnam nowadays, the implementation of environmental ethics with sustainable development still has many limitations and shortcomings besides the achieved results. Therefore, it is necessary to propose and implement synchronously a number of solutions to improve environmental ethics to meet the requirements of sustainable development in Vietnam in the coming time.
Practical/managerial implications:
Research paper helps Vietnamese people realize the importance of environmental protection in socio-economic development for their own safe and happy lives as well as those of future generations. Therefore we protect the environment according to progressive environmental ethical standards for the country's sustainable development.

Keywords: Environmental ethics; natural environment; sustainable development, nature, human being, Vietnam

Page: 309 - 319

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