ICPT.HUST 2023 - 04

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 15:47

Humanity is facing great challenges to traditional security and non-traditional security. The world has become flatter and entered a period of rapid integration with the rapid development of new technologies, information and communication technologies, the Internet, the flow of information... Conflicts between countries, religious and ethnic conflicts are becoming more and more fierce. This poses great challenges to non-traditional security, threatening the existence and development of nations and people. Human resources developing in response to non-traditional security challenges is a strategy and an urgent issue today in order to ensure global security and the security of each country in the world.
Research purpose
The article researches high-quality human resources to cope with non-traditional security challenges, thereby showing solutions to promote human resources to cope with non-traditional security challenges in Vietnam today.
Research motivation
Never before has humanity faced as many dangers and challenges as today, including non-traditional security challenges. Therefore, it is urgent to focus on developing human resources to respond to non-traditional security challenges, including Vietnam.
Main findings
The article summarizes the non-traditional security challenges in Vietnam today; Outlines the actors involved in human resources to respond to non-traditional security challenges in our country and proposes solutions to develop human resources to proactively respond to non-traditional security challenges.
Practical implications
Provide information and basic knowledge about human resources to respond to non-traditional security challenges in Vietnam for a team of researchers, state management agencies on non-traditional security.
Advise and propose solutions to contribute to the development of human resources, especially specialized forces in non-traditional security management, which perform well the task of proactively responding to non-traditional security challenges in Vietnam today.
Keywords: development; Human Resources; cope with; Non-traditional security; Vietnam
Page: 343 - 349

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Oct 20th, 2023
Full Paper Submission Deadline
Oct 21th - Dec 29th, 2023
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Dec 14th - Dec 15th, 2023
Dec 30th, 2023
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