ICPT.HUST 2023 - 80

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 15:24
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Anh Cuong (VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Kieu Van Nam (University of Social Sciences and Humanities)

Preventing corruption is important in developing human resources, contributing to the protection of the achievements of the revolution, maintaining national and ethnic interests, and protecting the results of industrialization and modernization of the country. During Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary career, he always aimed for a prosperous and strong Vietnam, where there would be "rich people, a strong country, democracy, equality, and civilization". Building the country and preventing corruption are core contents in the sustainable development of the Vietnamese revolution. Therefore, the fight against corruption is one of the top tasks. To gain a full understanding of the great value of negative anti-corruption in Ho Chi Minh's ideology, the article uses qualitative methods, focusing on analyzing issues of embezzlement and corruption and its manifestations, thereby coming to the conclusion that his thoughts are associated with the current process of preventing this evil and its initial results. The research concludes that Ho Chi Minh's ideology on preventing corruption has great value, making an important contribution to the process of sustainable human development.

Keywords: Corruption, Ho Chi Minh ideology, Human resource training, Embezzlement, Individualism.

Page: 270 - 276

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