ICPT.HUST 2023 - 62

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 17:19
Leonardo Rosário Manuel Pene (Ambassador of Mozambique to Vietnam)
Oraiden Manuel Sabonete (Hanoi University of Science and Technology)
This scientific paper provides a comprehensive analysis of international cooperation in human resource development for developing countries in Southern Africa. The paper delineates three primary objectives: (I) an examination of the current status of human resources in Southern Africa, highlighting the shortage of high-quality human resources and the characteristics of the regional workforce; (II) an exploration of international cooperation initiatives in human resource development in the region; and (III) an assessment of the challenges impeding effective cooperation efforts. Additionally, the paper proposes (IV) recommendations and solutions to strengthen human resource development in Southern Africa, focusing on augmenting investment in education and training, facilitating an enabling environment for international cooperation, and advocating for the establishment of a multilateral cooperation network infrastructure.
 Research purpose:
The research paper seeks to provide a holistic understanding of the state of human resource development in Southern Africa, assess the effectiveness of international cooperation efforts, and offer practical recommendations to enhance human resource development in the region. It ultimately aims to contribute to the advancement of human capital and socio-economic development in Southern Africa.
 Research motivation:
The motivation for this research paper is driven by a combination of the region's specific development needs, the desire to assess and improve the impact of international cooperation initiatives, and the broader goals of regional and global development agendas.
 Research design, approach, and method:
The research design, approach, and methods used in the paper aim to provide a rigorous and comprehensive analysis of the topic, combining both quantitative and qualitative data and drawing from case studies and existing literature to offer valuable insights and recommendations for stakeholders in the field of human resource development and international cooperation.
 Main findings:
The paper highlights the complex landscape of human resource development in Southern Africa, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation and offering practical solutions to address challenges and harness the region's human capital for sustainable development and inclusive growth.
Practical/managerial implications:
The practical and managerial implications of the research findings and recommendations call for a concerted effort from various stakeholders to address the human resource development challenges in Southern Africa. Collaboration, long-term commitment, transparency, and targeted investments are key elements that can lead to positive outcomes for the region's human capital and contribute to sustainable development and inclusive growth.
Keywords: International cooperation, Human resource development, Developing countries, Southern Africa
Page: 19 - 33

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