ICPT.HUST 2023 - 84

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 17:40
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Ratio of mobile phone/Internet users to bank account holders in many Asian countries. Notable numbers include Hong Kong's high mobile payment rate of 97.9% and a significant bank account holder rate of 80.2% in Cambodia. These statistics provide insight into the varying levels of financial digitization in the region. Along with that, the 2019 B2C E-commerce Index shows Singapore as the leading country with a score of 97, emphasizing the country's strong e-commerce infrastructure. This has left Japan facing challenges in transforming traditional industries such as automobiles and electrical appliances to meet the demands of the digital age.
The reason Japan may lose competitiveness in the era of digital transformation is because: Challenges include the reluctance of Japanese automakers and electrical equipment manufacturers to switch from traditional vehicles to electric power (EV), a sector led by companies such as Tesla in China. Impact on advances related to telecommunications and the internet.
Meanwhile, the Japanese education system only emphasizes creating diligent workers rather than fostering leadership and creativity. The absence of famous Japanese businessmen comparable to global figures such as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs is arguably due to a system that produces generalists rather than specialists.
The Seigniorage system still exists, specifically: The older the employee, the higher their salary, responsibility and status, a lifetime commitment. Lifetime commitment is one of the characteristics of Japanese management. This is not suitable for the digital age.
Nowadays, job hopping or changing companies is not a special event in the lives of Japanese workers. However, even today, the longer one works for a company, the better the employee's evaluation.
Keywords: Japan, human resources, education.
Page: 133

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