ICPT.HUST 2023 - 78

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 19:30
Kim, Seong Beom (Director of the Institute of Ocean and Civilizations at Asian Humanity Foundation, Korea)
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While Korea has experienced significant economic development, a large portion of the population does not feel happiness. It is meaningless to achieve economic development if the people are not happy. Now, Korea must reflect on its rapid development process and independently find answers to open a sustainable future.
In this situation, the presenter believes that, for Korea to be sustainable, it needs to engage in deep exchanges with Vietnam in various aspects, including culture and ideology.
Korea now needs to develop its own strategies for creating a good society, moving beyond accepting and adapting other countries' cultures and ideologies.
Vietnam is expected to provide important advice as a comprehensive strategic partnership for Korea to reflect, learn, and achieve sustainable development.
Keywords: Korea, sustainable development, Vietnam
Page: 121 - 131 

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