ICPT.HUST 2023 - 91

Wednesday - 31/01/2024 07:20
Doan Van Bau (Director of the Department of Political Theory, Central Propaganda Committee)
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It can be said that the Communist Party of Vietnam always identifies people as the central position. Therefore, consistent in its views, in the documents and resolutions of the 13th Congress, it has been determined:
First, identify the three breakthrough stages of the strategy. Developing high-quality human resources is one of the important strategic breakthroughs to ensure the construction of Vietnam by 2045 into a developed country with high income following a Socialism orientation. This is one of the very important and urgent decisions.
The Social Party determines to train high-quality human resources to meet the increasing need for integration in the context of the fourth industrial revolution taking place very quickly.
This is a very important breakthrough; therefore, at the recent 8th Central Conference of the Communist Party of Vietnam, we focused on discussing a very important resolution signed in November 2023. That is Resolution No. 45, related to continuing to build and promote the role of the intellectual class to meet the requirements of rapid and sustainable national development.
Today, I am very grateful to come to the conference. I highly appreciate the Organizing Committee for inviting international and Vietnamese scientists, managers, and experts. During the conference, we hope to listen to the experiences, lessons, and initiatives of scientists and international organizations for us to continue researching and synthesizing. On that basis, we will advise the Party to continue making policies and recommendations, as well as direct the State to promulgate laws to achieve the goals set out in Resolution No. 45. The goal is to have high-quality human resources to develop the country until 2045. With such expectations, we wish our conference great success, we wish opinions and experiences enriching theories and practices in the process of developing high-quality human resources in Vietnam.
Keywords: high-quality human resources, sustainable development, socialism

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