ICPT.HUST 2023 - 89

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 18:05
Natalia German Tsarkova (ANO Center of Competence in the Field of Tourism and Hospitality)
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The Competence center provides further professional education in professional retraining and advanced training programs for the tourism and hospitality industries.
The purpose of the additional professional training programs: Improvement of existing competencies and professional development within the framework of existing qualifications in the field of project and analytical activities in the field of tourism, creative industries in particular; Training in modern approaches and methods of commercialization of activities for the development of the creative sector of the Russian economy in order to achieve the goals of the project within the framework of approved requirements and established restrictions; Analyzing labor market and training in the sphere of tourism in hospitality in Russian Federation we can say that most people involved in the sphere of tourism and hospitality don’t have the special training.
The Competence center aims to fill this gap. It organizes short term on-line courses with issuing of micro certificates afterwards. There is growth in demand for short-term graduates of online courses. Long life learning is one of the key goals of the Competence center. Competence center organizes term programs together with industry for the necessary competencies.  It implements dynamic forms of training of specialists – educational microprograms a part of a comprehensive campaign “St. Petersburg Hospitality”: “China-friendly”, “India-friendly”, “Halal-friendly”. Competence center trains mentors for organizing of projects in event and business tourism with partners from the CIS and BRICS countries (in particular in Belarus, Vietnam).
St. Petersburg is ready to scale its experience on the international level. Within 1 year the Competence Center managed to build a system of industry training for the tourism sector of the economy that will make it possible to fill the shortage of human recourses in the hospitality industry in the shortest possible time.
Keywords: Tourism, hospitality, St. Petersburg, Russian federation.
Page: 17

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