ICPT.HUST 2023 - 21

Tuesday - 30/01/2024 19:52

Research purpose:
This study aims to scrutinize the contemporary trends and challenges in Human Resource Management (HRM) in Vietnam within the larger context of globalization and sustainable development. As a locus of burgeoning economic activity, foreign investment, and environmental concerns, Vietnam presents a multifaceted HRM landscape that necessitates sustainable practices.
Research motivation:
T The research addresses the gap in extant literature by focusing on the dynamic and increasingly sustainability-oriented HRM conditions in Vietnam. It emphasizes the importance of contextual, eco-conscious HR strategies in Vietnam's unique socio-economic setting.
Research design, approach, and method:
Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the paper combines qualitative insights to examine the prevailing theories and methodologies in the field, especially those relevant to sustainable HRM. It further delves into the nuances of sustainable HR practices in Vietnam as described in existing literature. Quantitative data from scholarly journals, market reports, and news articles, along with statistical analyses, corroborate these findings.
Main findings:
Key challenges include recruitment difficulties reported by 61% of surveyed companies, an emerging focus on work-life balance as a sustainability measure, a surge in the eco-conscious adoption of HR technology such as AI, a dearth of skilled labour constituting 22.8% of the workforce, and the need for global and sustainable perspectives in HRM practices.
Practical/managerial implications:
The paper recommends adaptive, sustainability-focused HR policies. These encompass a focus on work-life balance as a facet of employee well-being, investment in skills development for long-term employability, leveraging of eco-friendly HR technology, and competitive compensation packages that consider the social and environmental dimensions. It reiterates the urgency for context-specific, sustainable HR strategies in the globalized Vietnamese landscape.
Keywords: Human Resources Management, Vietnam, Sustainability, Work-life Balance, HR Technology.
Page: 42-54 

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