[Series of events towards ICPT 2023] Seminar “Opportunities and Challenges of Transhumanism: A Critical Evaluation”

Monday - 17/07/2023 09:20

To improve training quality and to update knowledge content in the internationalization trend, 8:30 am on 3/3/2023 at the meeting room of Faculty of Political Theory 312B D3 – Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Political Theory held a seminar with scholar Michal Valco of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia on the topic “Opportunities and Challenges of Transhumanism: A Critical Evaluation”. Attending the seminar were a large number of members of the Faculty and foreign students of the university who were interested in this topic.

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Assoc. Dr. Dinh Thanh Xuan gave flowers and thanked scholar Michal Valco for coming to discuss with the Faculty during the Seminar

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Scholar Michal Valco enthusiastically exchanged and discussed with teachers, staff and students in the Faculty of Political Theory.

The seminar was lively, bringing a lot of new knowledge values to teachers and students.

Due to limited time, the seminar ended in the morning of the same day.

Video on the topic “Transhumanism: A Critical Evaluation” HERE
Infomation about International Conference ICPT.HUST: icpt.hust.edu.vn

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Oct 20th, 2023
Full Paper Submission Deadline
Oct 21th - Dec 29th, 2023
Review and Full Paper Revision
Dec 14th - Dec 15th, 2023
Dec 30th, 2023
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