ICPT.HUST 2023 - Extended submission deadline

Thursday - 28/09/2023 14:44
Due to requests from the authors, we decided to extend the submission deadline until 20 October for the International Conference ICPT.HUST 2023: Human Resources for Sustainable Development.
Dear Authors,
Due to requests from the authors, we decided to extend the submission deadline until 20 October for the International Conference ICPT.HUST 2023: Human Resources for Sustainable Development.
Expected dates:
  • 20/10/2023: Full Paper Submission Deadline
  • 21/10 - 29/12/2023: Double-Blind Review and Full Paper Revision
  • 14-15/12/2023: Conference (Combining onsite and online)
  • 30/12/2023: Abstract or Full Paper Acceptance Notification
  • Assoc. Prof. Dinh Thanh Xuan: xuan.dinhthanh@hust.edu.vn (Dean of the Faculty of Political Theory, HUST)
  • Mr. Ngo Que Lan: lan.ngoque@hust.edu.vn (Vice Dean of Faculty of Political Theory, HUST)

Authors please submit the full paper HERE

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Impotant Dates
HÌnh ảnh

Oct 20th, 2023
Full Paper Submission Deadline
Oct 21th - Dec 29th, 2023
Review and Full Paper Revision
Dec 14th - Dec 15th, 2023
Dec 30th, 2023
Abstract or Full Paper Acceptance Notification

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